ALAZNE   (facecast: Elle Fanning)

Stance: Submission. Alazne was raised in the Mirari culture, with almost no exposure to the outside world. Alazne is highly trained in Mirari magic, which means she learned from an early age to submit to the will of Elemental magic in order to use it effectively in battle. This carries into her overall worldview: that magic, and other great forces, are to be guided, not harnessed. She is only now becoming aware that not everyone embraces this philosophy.

“You be thinking Alazne is too young, too weak? Alazne is being just a pup, yes, but even a pup still be knowing how to be catching a scent on the wind, how to be howling, how to be biting. This pup be knowing of magic, and how to wield it. Alazne can be biting, if she chooses.”

Objective Goal: Help Rheda stabilize magic. Alazne volunteers to help Rheda stabilize magic on the Mundane Plane, motivated by a desire to not only help those in need but to fix the problems of the world she will soon become a major player in.

Subjective Goal: Earn the right to rule the Mirari. As a rite of passage, all Mirari matriarchs must travel the world to learn what they will face as ruler. This is especially important for Alazne, who has been incredibly sheltered thus far in her life. Through her journeys with Rheda, Alazne hopes to gain knowledge and experience that will help her lead her people.

Objective Actions: Advise, assist, pacify. Alazne not only strives to help Rheda stabilize magic, but actively works to stabilize their group dynamic, as well. Alazne is generally a pacifist, and often works to counter Bahadur’s more brutal suggestions for how to proceed during their travels. She also advises Rheda on magical theory that she is not as familiar with—namely, the Mirari’s approach to wielding it.

Subjective Actions: Convert, empathize, prove. As she seeks to become a Mirari woman worthy of queendom, Alazne must prove herself as a future leader. She also tries to convert Rheda and Bahadur to her submissive philosophy, as she thinks it’s the most useful way of life there is. She hopes this will also serve to strengthen the ties between the humans and the Mirari, and give her a leg up politically.

Needs to Change: Yes, but only in order to succeed in her subjective goal. She must learn to convert and prove less, and focus on learning and leading. In order to succeed in her objective goal, everyone around her must change. And they do, after many grueling trials and obstacles.

Think or Do: Think. Alazne strives to understand each problem she encounters before trying to overcome it. This thoughtfulness extends to the way she interacts with the world in general: intellectually, rather than physically, as Bahadur does.

Problem Solving: Intuition. Alazne trusts her instincts, which she has honed through years of practicing Elemental magic. The way Mirari interact with magic is intensely intuition-based, in that they feel which way the magic wants to flow, and act as a conduit. Without a good empathic sense of her surroundings, Alazne would not be able to cast magic with any degree of effectiveness, and could even hurt herself trying. Alazne brings this same skillset to her problem-solving, and goes with her instincts when it comes to where to go or what to do.

Flaw: Naïveté. Alazne grew up sheltered from the outside world, and as such, she has a hard time seeing or believing the bad in other people, even when it’s clearly there. Her guilelessness often prevents her from fully protecting herself, and she falls prey to many of Bahadur’s backhanded comments before wising up to the harsher ways of the world.

Unique Trait: Crown Princess of the Mirari. As a future matriarch, Alazne has grown up highly educated in history, literature, language, and magic. More importantly, she was raised to be responsible, strong, and empathetic.