1.     EXT ELEMENTAL PLANE. Rheda and Alaron’s journey back to the Mundane Plane is interrupted by Aluld, who plucks them out of the magical pathway and forces them to crash-land on the Elemental Plane. Aluld tries to talk to Rheda, but now that she has a moment to stop and think, Rheda becomes overwhelmed and tries to quit. She despairs that despite her best efforts, and making all the right choices, everything has still gone horribly wrong.

2.     EXT ELEMENTAL PLANE. Aluld tells Rheda that she went back to the Mundane Plane before she could finish her lesson. The final piece of the lesson is that it is not enough to be passive, and go with the flow. She must learn to take responsibility for her actions and her community, and recognize that she is just a small part of something much larger.

3.     EXT NIESEN’S ACADEMY. Aluld then shows Rheda through a scrying pool that more time has passed in the Mundane Plane than the Spirit Plane. In the time that Rheda has been trying to get back to the Mundane Plane, months have passed, and Zaratas has used it to full effect. He’s assembled a massive Jundar army, enslaved most of the Mirari populace, and is advancing on Gwernia. Aluld tells Rheda that she is the only one who can stop Zaratas, as she is now the most powerful Namer in existence, able to understand not only the true essences of things, but the way everything, including them, is interconnected (the True Namer).

4.     EXT NIESEN’S ACADEMY. Rheda returns to the Mundane Plane with Alaron in tow, ready to accept her destiny. She places a power-dampening spell on Alaron, and they begin their journey to Gwernia, and Zaratas’s army.

() Combats (mutated Jundar)
() 5004 EXT NIESEN ACADEMY RUINS - Rheda returns to the Mundane Plane
() 5004 EXT NIESEN ACADEMY RUINS - Rheda places power-dampening spell on Alaron
() 5004 EXT RAVAGED COUNTRYSIDE- Rheda rescues a pair of Mirari who lead her to the rebellion HQ

5.     EXT MIRARI VILLAGE - COURTYARD. Rheda reunites with Alazne, and discovers that Bahadur is not only alive, but working happily with Alazne. Together, they’re co-leading a rebellion to free the enslaved Mirari and overthrow Zaratas.

6.     INT MIRARI COTTAGE - REBELLION HQ. Alazne and Bahadur clue her in to their plans to overthrow Zaratas. Rheda must then choose: hurry to Gwernia and attack Zaratas directly (and alone), or join with Bahadur and Alazne to liberate the Mirari first.

7.     EXT MIRARI WORK CAMP. Rheda joins forces with Bahadur and Alazne to liberate the Mirari, putting Aluld’s lesson about responsibility and community ahead of her personal vendetta against Zaratas. The freed Mirari then back Rheda, Bahadur, and Alazne in their march towards Gwernia.

() Combats (mutated Jundar, Jundar guardsmen)
() 5007 EXT MIRARI WORK CAMP - Alazne and Bahadur join party
() 5007 EXT MIRARI WORK CAMP - Rheda fights Jundar in work camp
() 5007 EXT MIRARI WORK CAMP - Rheda liberates Mirari
() 5007 EXT GWERNIA - Mirari join battle outside the castle

8.     EXT GWERNIA. As they get closer to the castle, and to Zaratas, Alaron escapes his bonds–Rheda failed to account for the loss of his spirit, and thus the incompleteness of his being, when she constructed the spell. Now completely mentally and magically unstable, he violently forces his way through Zaratas’ army, forging a bloody path through the battlefield. Rheda, Alazne, and Bahadur give chase.

() Combats (Alaron, mutated Jundar, Jundar soldiers)
() 5008 EXT GWERNIA – Alaron attacks Rheda, then flees
() 5008 EXT GWERNIA - Rheda fights her way towards Alaron through Jundar forces
() 5008 EXT GWERNIA - Zaratas enters Gwernia, Alaron follows

9.     INT GWERNIA. Rheda follows Alaron’s path up through the castle. Alazne and Bahadur hang back to ensure no one else enters.

() Combats (mutated Jundar, Jundar soldiers)
() 5009 INT GWERNIA - Alazne and Bahadur leave party
() 5009 INT GWERNIA - Rheda fights her way up through the castle

10.  INT THRONE ROOM. Rheda catches up with Alaron just as he reaches Zaratas in the throne room. A crazed Alaron attacks Zaratas wildly, and Zaratas responds in kind. Rheda joins the battle on Alaron’s side. However, Alaron is still too unstable to be a reliable ally in battle; his attacks are uncontrollable, and often hurt himself and Rheda as well as–or instead of–Zaratas.

() Combats (Zaratas, Alaron)
() 5010 INT THRONE ROOM - Rheda enters throne room; enters three-way battle with Zaratas and Alaron

11.  INT THRONE ROOM. As the battle draws to a close, and Zaratas’s health is low, he tries to manipulate Rheda into giving up, using Alaron’s soul as leverage. (ZARATAS: “You won’t kill me, child. You can’t. I possess that which you hold most dear. To kill me would be to kill him as well.”) Rheda struggles with the choice, and her mental strife causes her to lose ground in the fight. Alaron, using the last of his mental acuity, tells Rheda to do it; there’s no other choice.

() Combats (Zaratas, Alaron)
() 5011 INT THRONE ROOM - Zaratas’s health is below 15% (gamestate)
() 5011 INT THRONE ROOM - Combat halts for Zaratas’s monologue

12.  INT THRONE ROOM. A distraught but resolute Rheda uses Alaron’s true name to destroy Alaron’s soul, and Zaratas with it. Rheda catches Alaron as his physical form collapses, and says goodbye to him as he dies in her arms.

() Combats (Zaratas)
() 5012 INT THRONE ROOM - Combat with Zaratas
() 5012 INT THRONE ROOM - Ability: ‘Alaron’s true name’ is unlocked (gamestate)
() 5012 INT THRONE ROOM - Rheda uses ‘Alaron’s true name’ to destroy Zaratas

13.  INT CASTLE. Rheda walks back down through the castle. Along the way, Bahadur and Alazne meet up with her. All is silent as they descend to the castle’s main entrance and look out over the desolate, war-torn landscape outside.